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“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” –


Rabindranath Tagore



At Ritual Común, we value the individual journey. 

We believe in community. Our practices help people bring themselves into the mind-body-soul connection. The inner nature where safety and compassion meet. We focus on everyday common rituals to create intention around our habits and self-awareness. 

We work with individuals, collective groups, and businesses who wish to achieve a present-minded practice and understanding of themselves.

Best Value

The Seed



Every month

+$10 Initial Membership Fee

*Planting the Seed of Intention to Nourish Your Soul* /Each month receive, A newsletter, journaling rituals, access to meditations, a visual affirmation, and a 10% discount on all services—plus more!

Valid until canceled
7 day free trial

Monthly Themes & Daily Journaling Rituals Newsletter

Access to Monthly Meditations and Vault Library

Unique Visual Affirmation Designs

Save 10% on all 1:1 Services and Workshops

A Free Monthly 15 minute call w/ Misha

Best Value

The Cultivator



Every month

+$10 Initial Membership Fee

The Cultivator Plan: All benefits of The Seed, plus a single 1:1 Coaching/Blueprint/ or Somatic session(150$ value). All-access to workshops and recordings. A monthly 30 min call, discounts & more!

Valid until canceled
7 day free trial

A personalized 1:1 Coaching, Somatic, or BluePrint Session

All Access to Workshops & Recordings

20% discount on all services

Monthly 30-Minute Call

Access to Whatsapp group

Best Value

The Sage



Every month

+$10 Initial Membership Fee

**The Sage**: Includes everything in The Seed and The Cultivator, plus monthly mentorship to open the Akashic Records and enhance spiritual development, brainmapping sessions, and access via WhatsApp.

Valid until canceled

Transformative Personal Guidance and Mentorship w/Misha

Follow up Call

Goal-Oriented Brainmapping:

It's the year to Plant Seeds, Cultivate Growth, and Deepen our Sage wisdom.

*All plans are available and acessible to all. Please ask about sliding scale/ or scholarships if needed.



Akashic readings are life readings. They each have a longevity of 5-7 years.  Misha can only read 3x in a lifetime, so each reading is charged with hours of information and care. 


Choose from specific areas to delve deeper into or from an overview of guidance that offers more questions. 

Specialized sessions can be arranged for you as well. 

The meditative sessions range from BluePrint Energy meditations to align your auric energy to Somatic Healing sessions, from going deeply into the subconscious mind to tapping into the emotional body. The range of experiences is yours to try!

Not sure what's right for you? Send us a message below, and we can help. 




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and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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